It’s back for 2025…. the TVKC Marshal Training Day
Our annual marshal training day will be held at PFi on Sunday 16 February 2025 and is open to everyone! All levels will be catered for: novice through to experienced marshals, from any motorsport discipline, from any Club… everyone is welcome!
Sessions will be a mixture of practical and theory based training that will cover:
➡️Medical/First on Scene
➡️Fire Practical & Theory
➡️Electric Karts
➡️Safeguarding /RWR
➡️Flags & Lights
➡️Rule Changes
The day will also include our popular hands-on, practical scenarios, based on the circuit itself, making the incidents more realistic!
This is a free training day that is organised and run by Motorsport UK trainers and officials, it even includes a complimentary buffet lunch!
Sound interesting?! All you need to do to register is email Clare Mills at clare@tvkc.co.uk and let her know if you are a novice, intermediate or experienced marshal.
Closing date for registrations is Friday 24 January 2025