Entries for the opening round of the 2025 Club Championship will close in 7 days time – Tuesday 01 AprilEnter online HERE
Entries for the first round of the 2025 Club Championship are now… OPEN!Enter online HERE
GET READY… ENTRIES OPEN TOMORROW!!!Entries for the opening round of our 2025 Club Championship (05/06 April) will open tomorrow at 12:00… don’t be late!
Find all of the documents for this weekend’s race meeting HERE
ENTRIES OPEN!Entries for the PF Challenge Cup (01-02 March 2025) are now… OPEN!!! Your chance to win the ‘PF’ plates and become the new King/Queen of PFi!! Enter online now HERE
ENTRIES OPEN TOMORROWEntries for the PF Challenge Cup (01-02 March 25) will open tomorrow at midday!Your chance to win the PF plates!!! ….
WINTER WARMER TROPHY WINNERSCongratulations to the following drivers who were first over the line at PFi at the weekend!! Well Done!!! 🥇Micro Max… Benediktas Masiokas🥇WaterSwift (R)… Bodhi Batch🥇Mini Max 950… Edward Haynes🥇WaterSwift… Austin Newstead🥇Junior Max… Cameron Nelson🥇X30 Junior… Jorge Edgar🥇Senior Max… Macauley Bishop🥇X30 Senior… Harrison Mackie Find all the race results HERE Photo credits: Chris
The documents for this weekend’s Winter Warmer Trophy (01/02 Feb) are now ready to view HERE
Find all of the documents for this weekend’s Ice Breaker Cup meeting HERE
Entries for the Ice Breaker Cup (04/05 Jan) are now OPEN!Enter online HERE REMEMBER: Make sure you renew your licence for 2025!