TVKC’s 2023 Driver of the Year….. Luke Milward!!! Congratulations to Luke for being selected by the TVKC Clerks for this prestigious award! Luke wins a huge trophy, a stunning canvas and 7x Free race weekends at TVKC, meaning he can enter all 7 rounds of the 2024 Club Championship… for free!!! Well done Luke… good

Say hello to the TVKC ‘Official of the Year’….. our wonderful Elaine Comerford !!! This was a new award to recognise the hard work, commitment and effort that our volunteer officials put in so we can keep racing. The award was made more special as it is given in memory of Sue Potter 🧡 The

Congratulations to all drivers who competed in our 2023 Club Championship but in particular, to those finishing in the top 3… WaterSwiftClub Champion: Enzo ButtarazziVice Champion: Jonty Restrick3rd Place: Nathanial Hodges Micro MaxClub Champion: Harry TaylorVice Champion: Alfie Mew3rd Place: Luke Milward WaterSwiftClub Champion: Zac ChampneyVice Champion: Max Mason3rd Place: Jacob Bachler Mini Max 950Club