Entries for the fifth round of the Club Championship are now… OPEN! Enter now HERE
Entries for the fifth round of the Club Championships will open at 12noon tomorrow (07 August) Make sure you get your entry in nice and early! #karting #kart #kartinglife #racing #race #motorsport #speed #gokart #kartingtime #gokarting #kartingmania #kartingemotionandpassion #kartracing #motorsports #kartingracing #kartingchampion #champion #f1 #follow4follow #kartings #kartingchampionship #raceday #formula1 #sport #kartingmag #karts #followback #driver #kartingindoor
Find all of the documents for this weekend’s Kartmasters event HERE
Following a review of the test days at PFi, please be aware that the circuit will now be open for 2 stroke testing on a THURSDAY, Friday & Saturday each week. 2 stroke testing will no longer take place on a Tuesday, instead it will be replaced by the THURSDAY practice day. This change will
Find all of the documents for this weekend’s race meeting (Club Champs: R4) HERE
Entries for the fourth round of the Club Champs close TODAY at 1pm Still time to enter HERE
Entries for the 4th round of the Club Championships (06/07 July) will close at 13:00 tomorrow…. but there’s still time to get your entry in!! Just visit HERE
Entries for the fourth round of the Club Champs will close next week (02 July at 13:00)ENTER HERE
ENTRIES ARE OPEN!Entries for the fourth round of the Club Championship are now… OPEN!Enter now HERE
ENTRIES OPEN TOMORROW!Entries for the fourth round of the Club Championships will open at 12noon tomorrow (05 June)Make sure you get your entry in nice and early!!