
Following the FIA’s decision to make changes to the International calendar, we have taken the decision to change the date for Round 5 of the Club Championship and revert back to it’s usual spot on the first Sunday of the month.  This will mean that Round 5 will now be held on 31 August – 01 September 2024.

ENTRIES OPEN TOMORROW!!! Entries for the first round of the TVKC 2024 Club Championship will open tomorrow at 12noon. The 2024 Club Championship will be contested over 7 rounds (Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov) with 6 of the 7 rounds to count. Drivers entering and competing at all 7 rounds will earn themselves

Congratulations to the following drivers who were first over the line at PFi at the weekend!! Well Done!!! 🥇WaterSwift Restricted… Alfie Davidson🥇Micro Max… Harry Radcliffe🥇Mini Max 950… Finlay Lines🥇WaterSwift… Geoge Clarke🥇Junior Max… Harry Bartle🥇X30 Junior... Taylor Orridge🥇Senior Max… Pierson Bullock-Carter🥇X30 Senior… Henry Gregory Find all the race results HERE Photo credits: Chris Walker/ Kartpix.net

That’s right, there’s only 7 days left to enter the PF Challenge Cup (02-03 March). And remember, the PF plates are up for grabs at this meeting! So if you want to become the 2024 King or Queen of PFi and win those prestigious PF plates, get your entry in HERE